Bypass your old closers without removing them. Cut time down, saving labor and material cost.

Price: $242
Neutralizes all center-hung floor checks. Retrofit floor checks to surface-mounted door closers:
Rixson – Doromatic – Pittco – Dorma – MAB
- NDC 100 – Installation Guide
- NDC 100 –Demo Movie -You’ll need Flash Player 6 -get it free here.
Installation Guide
1. Remove old door closer arm from bottom of door.
2. Install pivot arm in door bottom.
3. Slide cap and bearing over the spindle of the old closer.
4. Rehang the door. Install surface-mount closer.

Retrofit center hung floor closers from Rixon, Dorma, Dormatic and Pittco
NDC retrofit kits are an alternative to removing the original floor closer and installing a continuous hinge with a surface mounted closer.

Price: $272

Retrofit pivot neutralizes all offset floor checks:
Offered in 3/4 ” and 1.5 ” offsets.
Rixson – Pittco – Doromatic – MAB – Dorma
- NDC 101 – Installation Guide
- NDC 101 – Demo Movie – You’ll need Flash Player 6 – get it free here.

Retrofit floor checks with 1.5 inch offset arms to surface-mounted closers: Rixon-Doromatic
Super strong bronze casting holds normal to heavyweight institutional doors.
Installation Guide

1. Remove old door closer arm from bottom of door.
2. Install pivot arm in door bottom.
3. Slide cap and bearing over the top of the old closer spindle.
4. Rehang the door. Install surface-mount closer.
Retrofits offset floor closers from Rixon, Dorma, Dormatic and Pittco.
NDC retrofit kits are an alternative to removing the original floor closer and installing a continuous hinge with a surface mounted closer.

Price: $260

The best Kawneer Husky retrofit. Retrofit pivot for overhead concealed closers:
Offered in ENDLOAD and SIDELOAD.
Fits Kawneer – Jackson – Rixson – Pittco – Dorma
- NDC 102 – Installation Guide
- NDC 102 – Demo Movie – You’ll need Flash Player 6 – get it free here.
Retrofits Jackson, Dorma, Kawner, International and Rixon concealed overhead closers.
NDC retrofit kits are an alternative to removing the original overhead concealed closer and installing a continuous hinge with a surface mounted closer.

Retrofit to surface-mounted door closers with sideload arms: Jackson Dorma R&K
Cast from yellow manganese (bronze), this super strong arm employs the same dual bearing configuration as the original NDC 102, but in a corner load configuration to accommodate sideload overhead concealed door closers.
Installation Guide

1. Remove old door closer arm from top of door.
2. Install pivot arm in top of door.
3. Set bearing assembly on spindle of old closer.
4. Rehang the door. Install surface-mount closer.